2017 CANet Symposium Recap • Cardiovascular Network of Canada — CANet
CANet — Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada

2017 CANet Symposium Recap

On Saturday, October 21, 2017, as part of the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in Vancouver, B.C., we hosted Arrhythmia Care in the Community, a symposium focused on exploring arrhythmia care practices in community healthcare settings.
For this inaugural event, we reached out to Network members and community cardiologists across Canada, along with a group of 80 guests gathered to discuss CANet’s goals and their impacts on Canadians living with arrhythmia.
Dr. Anthony Tang, Scientific Director and CEO of CANet, welcomed everyone and identified the four key goals to be met by creating strong partnerships between academic and community cardiologists:

  1. Identify patients at risk of arrhythmia
  2. Identify existing needs to help provide arrhythmia care efficiently and effectively in the community
  3. Identify how to conduct arrhythmia research in the community
  4. Identify barriers and solutions to help patients to be cared for at or close to home

Esteemed members of CANet then gave brief presentations describing areas of focus within CANet’s strategic plan, research projects they are currently pursuing, and the opportunities these projects present for engaging with members of the community. Follow the link below to learn more about each speaker and to download their presentations.

[gdlr_button href=”https://canetinc.ca/events/2017-canet-symposium” target=”_blank” size=”medium” background=”#33647f” color=”#ffffff”]CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE PRESENTATIONS[/gdlr_button]

As Dr. Umjeet Jolly, an Electrophysiologist from St. Mary’s General Hospital and our closing speaker, noted in his presentation, community-academic partnerships are vitally important. They will help improve patient care, achieve CANet’s strategic goals, develop researchers’ ability to conduct clinical research, and integrate both groups towards working together.
In conjunction with the symposium attendees, we look forward to determining CANet’s next steps towards forging these partnerships.

Do you have suggestions for building strong community-academic partnerships with community cardiologists across Canada? Share them with us!

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