CCC 2017 - CANet Network Members Recognized • Cardiovascular Network of Canada — CANet
CANet — Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada

CCC 2017 – CANet Network Members Recognized

The 2017 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in Vancouver, B.C. was another successful event, packed with informative sessions, fun events, and ample opportunities to network and collaborate.
Our Network members were well represented throughout the program – starting with funded investigator Dr. Andrew Krahn as the Meeting Chair. Dr. William McIntyre— one of CANet’s CHAT leaders—was the Training Program Planning Committee Chair, helping to plan an engaging roster of sessions that featured some additional CHAT members, like Dr. Katherine Allan (CHAT co-leader) and Dr. Zardasht Oqab.
A highlight of the congress was the CCS Awards Ceremony on Sunday, October 22, 2017. Several CANet network members were recognized for their accomplishments.
Dr. Ratika Parkash, a CANet funded investigator and the Chair of this year’s Public Forum in Halifax, received the CCS Atrial Fibrillation Research Award for her study Reversal of atrial substrate to prevent atrial fibrillation (RASTA-AF). Dr. Parkash is doing innovative work that will help CANet reach its goal of reducing atrial fibrillation hospitalization and emergency department visits by 20%. Click here to read about her Remote Patient Management for Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices (RPM-CIED) program and her Computer Simulated Atrial Fibrillation Tool to Reduce Hospitalizations and Emergency Department Visits project.
Dr. Christopher Cheung, the winner of this year’s CHAT Discovery Competition, continued his winning streak when he received the Inaugural CCSA Dr. Charles Kerr Award. This award was created in memory of Dr. Kerr, and the winners of this award are chosen based on their humanitarian characteristics, embodying Dr. Kerr’s legacy through encouraging and advocating for those in need of assistance of support. Click here to learn more about CHAT – the CANet HQP Association for Trainees, and the competitions that are available to members.
Dr. Paul Dorian received the CCS Annual Achievement Award in recognition of the outstanding contributions he has made in his career within the cardiovascular field. His work with CanROC is going to be an integral part of reaching CANet’s goal to reduce sudden cardiac death by 10%. Click here to read more about his CANet funded project – Targeted Initiatives to Decrease the Burden of Sudden Cardiac Death in Canada – A CANet-CanROC Collaboration.
Congratulations to all of the winners! CANet is extremely proud of its members of the network and recognizes the incredible contributions you each make to the arrhythmia field.

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