Imaging Network of Ontario (ImNO) Symposium • Cardiovascular Network of Canada — CANet
CANet — Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada

Imaging Network of Ontario (ImNO) Symposium

We are excited to announce that CANet has joined the Imaging Network of Ontario Consortium (ImNO).
ImNO has been running for 15+ years, with the goal of positioning Canada as an internationally-recognized country in medical imaging. That goal is strengthened by an annual symposium of imaging consortia, and ImNO is inviting CANet members to submit abstracts and scientific posters for its upcoming symposium in Toronto in March 2016.
ImNO has four outstanding keynote speakers but the one CANet members may find of interest is Saman Nazarian, MD, PhD, from John Hopkins Hospital, who will be talking about “The Utility of Advanced Imaging for Ablation of Complex Arrhythmia Circuits.”
This meeting promotes collaborations, broadcasts career opportunities, and informs trainees on diverse imaging applications. For more details please visit the ImNO website. We hope to see you there!

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