ACT • Cardiovascular Network of Canada — CANet


Call for Proposals

Supporting Knowledge Mobilization of High-Impact Randomized Controlled Trials in Canada

If you intend to apply to this competition, please notify Kevin O’Neil at [email protected] of your intent to apply by Monday, March 10, 2025.

CANet Review Deadline: Monday, March 17, 2025 (11:59 PM ET)

Knowledge mobilization (KM) is a key research activity to enhance the likelihood that research findings, including from randomized trials, can inform policy and practice.

To promote clinical trialists in Canada to undertake novel and impactful KM approaches, the ACT KM Committee is issuing a call for Knowledge Mobilization Awards, to recognize the efforts of trial teams who are planning to undertake noteworthy strategies to mobilize the findings of their completed randomized controlled trial (RCT).

Applicants can request up to $10,000 (CAN) in funding to facilitate novel and innovative KM activities of a completed randomized controlled trial (RCT). 


For an application to be eligible, it must fulfill the following criteria.

  1. Nominated principal investigator (PI) has to be Canadian researcher who is a member of an ACT Network (click here to see the full list of ACT Networks)
  2. The proposal must be for knowledge mobilization of an RCT and not an observational study
  3. The proposed budget must be CIHR eligible


The deadline to apply is Monday, March 24, 2025 at noon ET



CANet will only be allowed to support 3 submissions in this competition.If you intend to apply, you must notify Kevin O’Neil at [email protected] by Monday, March 10 and send your full application to CANet by Monday, March 17, 2025 (11:59 PM ET).

Those selected to proceed to the full application will be provided with a letter of support from CANet before ACT’s deadline of Monday, Mach 24, 2025, at noon ET.

Click here to download the application information.

Evaluate Canadian Biotechnologies with Randomized Controlled Trials

If you intend to apply to this competition, please notify Kevin O’Neil at [email protected] of your intent to apply by Wednesday, December 4.

CANet Review Deadline: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 (11:59 PM ET)

One of the key objectives of the ACT Consortium is to “Bring Canada’s biomanufacturing and biotechnology companies and clinical trialists together to learn about available products and needs and promote partnerships between these groups.” To address this goal, ACT’s latest funding opportunity is centred around connecting ACT Networks with Canadian biotech companies to conduct randomized controlled trials together.

Successful applicants will receive up to $400,000 to support the facilitation of phase 2, pilot, or Vanguard trials.  Trials that assess safety, recruitment potential, and feasibility are also welcome, provided they are an RCT.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Nominated principal investigator (PI) has to be Canadian researcher who is a member of an ACT Network
    (click here to see the full list of ACT Networks)
  • Applications must be endorsed by one of ACT’s 34 Networks
  • Each Network can endorse a maximum of 3 applications – each application can only apply to one RCT
  • Trial must evaluate a biotechnology from a Canadian-controlled biotechnology company
  • The proposal must be an RCT and not a product validation observational study
  • The proposed budget must be CIHR eligible
  • Deadline: The RFA 6 deadline has been extended to Sunday, January 5th, 2025, at 11:59pm ET.



CANet will only be allowed to support 3 submissions in this competition.If you intend to apply, you must notify Kevin O’Neil at [email protected] by Wednesday, December 4 and send your full application to CANet by Wednesday, December 11, 2024 (11:59 PM ET).

Those selected to proceed to the full application will be provided with a letter of support from CANet before ACT’s deadline extended to Sunday, January 5th, 2025, at 11:59 pm ET.

Click here to download the application information.

High-Impact International Trials

CANet Review Deadline: Monday, September 23, 2024 (11:59 PM ET)

One of the key objectives of the ACT Consortium is to expand Canadian participation in international trials. To address this goal, our latest funding opportunity is centered around connecting ACT Networks with high-impact RCTs currently ongoing and active in countries other than Canada.

Successful applicants will receive up to $200,000 to support the recruitment of Canadian participants into these high-impact ongoing international RCTs.


  • The Overall Trial PI must be located in a country outside of Canada, and must be collaborating with a designated National Canadian PI who is a member of an ACT Network
  • Applications must be endorsed by one of ACT’s 34 Networks
  • Each Network can endorse a maximum of 3 applications – each application can only apply to one RCT
  • The trial must plan to complete recruitment and follow-up of Canadian patients related to the ACT funding of this trial by June 30, 2026


CANet will only be allowed to support 3 submissions in this competition.If you intend to apply, you must send your full application to CANet by Monday, September 23, 2024 (11:59 PM ET) to Kevin O’Neil at [email protected].

Those selected to proceed to the full application will be provided with a letter of support from CANet before ACT’s deadline of Monday, September 30, 2024 (noon ET).

Click here to download the application information.

Pan-Canadian Research Ethics Board

Deadline for applications is noon (12:00 pm) EST August 16, 2024

Currently, researchers who wish to conduct a multicentre randomized controlled trial (RCT) in Canada are required to get multiple research ethics boards (REB) approvals across the different research centres. This leads to lengthy delays in the approval process, and can delay the start times of RCTs in Canada.

Other countries worldwide (e.g., Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Spain, United Kingdom, United States) have adopted a single national REB approval process to improve the efficiency of conducting multicentre RCTs and avoid unnecessary duplication of work.

As part of ACT Canada’s mandate to improve the ecosystem for conducting clinical trials in Canada, ACT is holding an open competition to select a group to set up and run a sustainable pan-Canadian, distributive, single research ethics board (REB) review and approval process with strict timelines, for the initiation and conduct of multicentre randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in Canada.

Applicants can request up to $250,000 (CAN) in funding to help set up, initiate, and conduct the pan-Canadian, distributive, single REB review and approval process with strict timelines.


For an application to be eligible, it must fulfill the following criteria.

  • The group’s leadership positions must include an individual from at least 6 of Canada’s provinces and territories.
  • The group submitting the application must have prior experience serving on or running an REB in Canada.

New Networks

Deadline for applications is noon (12:00 pm) EST January 29, 2024

ACT-AEC Canada is holding an open competition to fund the development of new or existing trial networks in areas of need. Trial networks bring together relevant stakeholders (e.g., researchers, patient partners) and are focused on disease states, patient populations, or interventions. A total of $900,000 is available to fund 6 new networks (i.e., $150,000 for each successful network application) in the following streams:

  1. Stream One – Mental Health – a new network focused on mental health RCTs.
  2. Stream Two – Other Areas of Need – new trial networks in any demonstrated area of need.

Evaluate Canadian Biotechnologies with Randomized Controlled Trials

CANet Review Deadline: Monday, June 19, 2023

A total of $2.0 million is available for this RFA. The maximum requested budget for any application is $400,000. Although the funding available may not be sufficient for a full-scale study, phase 2 and pilot or Vanguard trials to assess, for example, safety, recruitment potential, and feasibility are welcome.


CANet will only be allowed to support 3 submissions in this competition.If you intend to apply, you must send your full application to CANet by Monday, June 19, 2023 (11:59 PM Pacific Time) to Kevin O’Neil at [email protected].

Those selected to proceed to the full application will be provided with a letter of support from CANet before ACT’s deadline of July 7, 2023.

Click here to download the application information.



Advances in the Conduct of Randomized Controlled Trials

CANet Review Deadline: Friday, May 19, 2023

This ACT “Call For Proposals: Advances in the Conduct of Randomized Controlled Trials” consists of 2 separate streams.

A total of $1.9 million is available for this RFA. The maximum requested budget for any application in Stream 1 is $200,000, and the maximum requested budget for any application in Stream 2 is $100,000.

Stream 1: Encourage Randomized Trials That Use Non-traditional and Efficient Designs and Approaches

For Stream 1, ACT is requesting for proposals to fund pilot trials and the vanguard phase of larger trials that use alternate designs and approaches. Any RCT proposed in this stream should be designed to generate robust results with a minimal risk of bias.

Stream 2: Generate High-quality Evidence on Methods to Improve the Conduct of Trials

For Stream 2, ACT is requesting for proposals that test interventions to improve the conduct of trials. If proposing a SWAT nested within a parent RCT, details confirming the parent trial is active, funded, and registered must be provided.


CANet will only be allowed to support 3 submissions in this competition.If you intend to apply, you must send your full application to CANet by Friday, May 19, 2023 (11:59 PM Pacific Time) to Kevin O’Neil at [email protected].

Those selected to proceed to the full application will be provided with a letter of support from CANet before ACT’s deadline of June 8, 2023.

Click here to download the application information.


ACT WEBINAR: Studies Within a Trial (SWATs)

To support this RFA and in partnership with CAN-TRAIN, ACT will hold a webinar on Studies Within a Trial on April 20th at 7am PST | 8am MST | 10am EST | 11am AST. The webinar will be led by Dr. Adwoa Parker, who leads the Trial Forge Studies Within A Trial (SWATs) Centre at The University of York (UK).

Click here to download the webinar announcement.

A direct link to register for this webinar can also be found here.

Supporting the Completion of High-Impact Randomized Controlled Trials

ACT has recently announced the first Call for Proposals: Supporting the Completion of High-Impact Randomized Controlled Trials.

A total of $2 million dollars is available for this competition. The maximum funding per application is $200,000.

CANet will only be allowed to support 3 submissions in this competition.

If you intend to apply, you must send your full application to CANet by Friday, March 24, 2023 (11:59 PM Pacific Time) to Kevin O’Neil at [email protected].

Those selected to proceed to the full application will be provided with a letter of support from CANet before ACT’s deadline of April 3, 2023.

Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT) Consortium

The ACT Canada Consortium consists of hundreds of investigators, stakeholders, and highly qualified research personnel from 11 trial units and 28 research networks across Canada. The central guiding principle of the ACT Consortium is that its activities will accelerate, optimize, and facilitate the conduct, implementation, and results translation from high-quality, high-impact randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to improve health in Canada and around the world.

CANet is one of the many networks that is supported by ACT which allows CANet Network Investigators to apply for research monies and in-kind support for clinical trials.

ACT is providing research personnel to our Network to improve our infrastructure support and further our Network activities. Examples of in-kind support include insurance for clinical trials, assistance with identification and activation of research centres internationally, amongst others.

Consortium Highlights

  • ACT brings together hundreds of researchers from 28 networks, 11 trial units, patient-partners, the biotechnology industry, government, and experts in research ethics review processes, contracts, insurance, regulatory processes, patient engagement, clinical trials training, communications, knowledge mobilization – from Nova Scotia to British Columbia and Nunavut.
  • ACT will maximize research impact and knowledge mobilization – following best practices in patient-oriented research and integrated knowledge translation, leveraging national and international contacts.
  • ACT will advance equitable access to trials for all Canadians – no matter where they live, inclusive of gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status – following the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in clinical trials such that the knowledge gained is applicable to all those affected.
  • ACT will build clinical trial capacity – providing trial units with the knowledge, skills, and experience to conduct large-scale trials. We will streamline administrative processes (for example, ethics reviews, contracts, and protocols) to accelerate timelines and reduce costs.

To learn more about ACT, visit

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