Ticker Talk • Cardiovascular Network of Canada — CANet


Ticker Talk

Episode 06: The Journey of a Caregiver — Navigating the Challenges of Inherited Cardiac Conditions

Susan McLaren shares her lived experience as a caregiver for her husband and children living with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), an inherited cardiac condition affecting the heart muscle. She discusses the gaps in support and counselling for families dealing with genetic cardiac disease, the impact on her husband and children’s lives after their diagnosis, and the importance of finding ways to cope and take care of oneself as a caregiver.

Episode 05: ”I Consider Myself Lucky” — Al’s Story

In this episode, we speak with Dr. Robert Hamilton, children's cardiologist, heart rhythm specialist and senior associate scientist at the Hospital for Sick Children and Research Institute in Toronto, Canada. He is a CANet Network Investigator and senior electrophysiologist managing an inherited arrhythmia clinic and has gained a unique perspective on the clinical impact of hereditary heart rhythm conditions on children and families.

Episode 04: A Step Ahead — Tools to Improve Diagnosis of Inherited Arrhythmias

In this episode, we speak with Dr. Robert Hamilton, children's cardiologist, heart rhythm specialist and senior associate scientist at the Hospital for Sick Children and Research Institute in Toronto, Canada. He is a CANet Network Investigator and senior electrophysiologist managing an inherited arrhythmia clinic and has gained a unique perspective on the clinical impact of hereditary heart rhythm conditions on children and families.

Episode 03: “Be prepared to fight for yourself” — Barbara’s Journey

Barbara Martin shares her journey as a patient navigating multiple health challenges, ranging from a heart condition to living with a brain injury. Barbara underscores the utility of understanding the grief cycle when dealing with any health-related event or diagnosis, reminding listeners that grief is a natural response to a loss and that it is non-linear - while you may accept it one day, another day may bring anger or denial. 

Episode 02: Aligning Research Goals with Patient-Identified Priorities — Nurturing Hope Via a Peer Mentorship Program

Dr. Samantha Anthony is a Health Clinician Scientist in the Child Health Evaluative Sciences Program of the Research Institute at SickKids in Toronto, Ontario. She is a Social Worker within the Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Centre at SickKids and an Associate Professor in the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto. Dr. Anthony is the first and only Health Clinician Scientist in Social Work in Canada and among a community of approximately 15 Health Clinician Scientists at SickKids across various disciplines.

Episode 01: A Marathoner Out of Rhythm — Dan Pak’s Story

In this episode, Dan Pak shares his story of being diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation (AFib or AF) and undergoing complex ablation surgery. He discusses the initial shock following his diagnosis, the challenges of adjusting to a new lifestyle, and the importance of finding balance and listening to your body.

Episode 00: Podcast Teaser

Starting September 5, 2023, join your host Ann-Marie Julien and hear from cardiac patients and caregivers sharing experiences of healing, community, and advocacy, and learn what innovations in cardiac research might mean for you and your loved ones from Canada’s leading experts. Ann-Marie Julien is a longstanding research partner and peer support group leader with lived experience managing her own cardiac health condition.
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