CHAT Member • Cardiovascular Network of Canada — CANet


CHAT Member
CANet Trainee Bianca Mammarella

Bianca Mammarella

"I have been exposed to a multidisciplinary group of individuals from physicians to allied health partners who have broadened my perspectives in cardiology. I love the intersectionality of cardiology, and through being in CHAT, I can explore all of the unique disciplines integrated into our trainee network."
CANet Trainee Shaun Ranada

Shaun Ranada

“Becoming a member of CHAT has allowed me to gain extensive knowledge and invaluable research skills that has been instrumental to my goal in advancing cardiovascular research. CANet has provided me with opportunities to converse with like-minded colleagues/experts, providing me with networking opportunities and by allowing me to take part in events/conferences and competitions that will strengthen my research and career development. The benefits of becoming a CHAT member have been considerable and I am very pleased with everything it has offered me. Being a member of CHAT has not only improved my skills and knowledge in the research areas I am interested in but overall improved who I am as a person, a student, and a researcher by providing me with various resources and opportunities of personal growth.”

Isabela Roque Marçal

“My short experience being a CANet has been incredible. I became a member as soon as I moved to Canada to start my PhD studies, as many colleagues endorsed the importance of their health initiatives. Weekly newsletters, featured trainees, and most importantly, awards to postgraduate students, help us to improve our knowledge, network, and research skills, and consequently, strengthen our career development.”
CANet Trainee Jake Gray

Jake Gray

“Being a part of the CANet CHAT community has given me an opportunity to connect with like minded individuals and grow my perspective on patient care and opportunities for research.”
CANet Trainee Amy Johnston

Amy Johnston

“CANet CHAT offers several valuable resources and exciting opportunities for trainees who do arrhythmia-related research. From travel and publication awards to workshops and important networking opportunities with other trainees, clinicians, and researchers- there is something for everyone to benefit from! If you want to take advantage of opportunities to help strengthen your research and enhance your career development, I encourage all trainees engaged in arrhythmia-related research to consider joining the CANet CHAT community.”
CANet Trainee Kim Ruether

Kim Ruether

"As a passionate advocate for increasing SCA survival, it is important to be a part of the CANet CHAT community to learn about the enormous scope of cardiac related research. It provides a window to others working in this field, which helps to break down the sense of isolation and futility when I am feeling disheartened or frustrated with how slowly change seems to happen. It is humbling to be linked to so many brilliant researchers and delightful humans that are working to improve survival and happy neurological outcomes."
CANet Trainee Muneed Ahmed

Muneeb Ahmed

“CANet offers resources tailored for members at all stages of training. This includes access to its Canada-wide network of experts in arrhythmias, allowing CHAT members to network with peers and meet new mentors. Furthermore, CHAT has several awards that facilitate further growth in a trainee’s academic career including the CANet Travel Award. This generous award provided me with the opportunity to present our research at the 71st Annual Scientific Session & Expo hosted by the American College of Cardiology in Washington, DC. I had the privilege of speaking to and learning from various experts in many different sub specialties within medicine."
CANet Trainee Katherine Mason

Katherine Mason

“The CHAT community has allowed me to connect with and learn from senior researchers. Additionally, as a CHAT trainee, I was awarded the CHAT Travel Award, which allowed me to travel to San Francisco to attend and present my team’s research at Heart Rhythm 2022.”
CANet Trainee Dominique de Waard

Dominique de Waard

“Throughout my undergraduate degree and medical school, I had many research opportunities which helped broaden my knowledge and allowed me to explore different types of research”, Dominique says. “As a CHAT trainee, I was awarded a CANet Travel Award, which provided me with the opportunity to attend a national research meeting and present our research. I met many CHAT members during the conference who were all welcoming and supportive. I also attended a CANet Annual Scientific Conference where I was touched by the involvement of patients and family members. It was inspiring to hear their stories and highlighted the importance of advancing research.”
CANet Trainee Sina Safabakhsh

Sina Safabakhsh

"I enjoy being a part of the CANet's CHAT community because it connects me with experts across all aspects of the management and research of cardiac arrhythmias. Patients, providers caring for those with arrhythmias, and researchers studying these processes at the cellular or population level all have a unique contribution to improving the lives of those living with arrhythmias. To communicate and learn from these sources motivates me to strive for excellence as a trainee clinician and scientist. Apart from the strong sense of shared purpose that CHAT provides, the funding opportunities and resources on digital health innovations are further reasons to join this vibrant community!"
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